2 January 2012 - We have added to our links page a link to the readings by author Luis A. Garcia from his book "Child of the Revolution" depicting his growing up and eventually leaving Castro's Cuba. These readings were broadcast in 2009 by Radio National of the Australian Broadcasting Company in Australia, where Mr. Garcia resides.
21 May 2012 - One of our readers, Maria Krane, has provided us with a list of chinese laborers who arrived in Habana on board the amercian frigate Francis P. Sage in 19 May 1861. Click on the above headline to reach this document and other facts about the chinese laborers contracted to work in Cuba.
21 May 2012 - Did you know that there was a Cuban on the Titanic? Click on the above headline to reach this story.
Happy Rodrigo de Triana Day!
Rodrigo de Triana was a sailor on Columbus' first expedition to the new world. At approximately 2AM on October 12, 1492 he was at his post as lookout on the ship La Pinta when he shouted "¡Tierra! ¡Tierra! (Land! Land!). He had spotted a small island in the Lucaya (Bahamas) archipelago then known by the native name as "Guanahani", which Columbus re-baptized as "San Salvador".
Although the event was documented in Columbus' Diary, he never received the promised monetary reward.
For more information please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rodrigo_de_Triana