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Cuban Genealogy Center
Resources for those searching for their Cuban roots.
CubaGenWeb is an on-line bi-lingual depository of resources and data dedicated to Cuban Genealogy. It is intended to facilitate the search for your Cuban roots by providing as much information as possible to get you started in your research and help fill in some of the missing blanks. CubaGenWeb is a non-profit personal hobby started in 1996 with the encouragement and support of many friends.

(click on each headline to go to the
corresponding data)

Our passengers data base now surpasses 330,000 names!
Our database currently contains 336,032 passenger names from 16,571 ships traveling to and from Havana.
Passenger records can be searched using the following search form kindly provided by Aileen Vega of the Cuba Research Project
Aileen Vega kindly had her technical head fix the existing problem which for a long time lost us access to our database.
During Jun 2020 we transcribed the following:
- Sep 1899 - 1444 passengers / 60 ships
The above completes all the months available in the on-line newspaper library.
We are currently reviewing whether any library data was accidentally omitted or skipped due to poor quality. Sometimes the latter has portions which can be transcribed and we will do so.
A Facebook Group dedicated to Cuban Genealogy was created in 2013 by Gabriel Garcia, a member of the CGC, and currently has over 3,000 members. Click on the above link and ask to join.
The Enrique Hurtado de Mendoza Collection is a new unique research collection at the Green Library at Florida International University Special Collections and University Archives which includes thousands of books, handwritten and typed letters, photos and other primary documents relating to Cuba and Cuban genealogy, collected over four decades by Felix Enrique Hurtado de Mendoza, a member of the Cuban Genealogy Club of Miami.
The Enrique Hurtado de Mendoza Collection includes rare 17th and 18th century books, long out-of-print publications and periodicals that few, if any, U.S. libraries hold in their catalogs. Additionally, thousands of unpublished family genealogies and manuscripts make this collection particularly significant.
Many thanks to Cuban Genealogy Club of Miami members, Lourdes del Pino and Mariela Fernandez, who volunteered during several years to organize and digitize the Collection.
Please click on the headline of this article to go to the FIU web site for more details.
Puerto Plata became the "Miami" of Cuban exiles during the Ten Years War (1868-1878). Many Cuban families, particularly from Puerto Principe (Camaguey), went to Puerto Plata during the war. (click on the above headline for access).
Link courtesy of Alberto Martinez-Ramos, member of the CGC.
We have been informed that the Cuban Genealogist Fernando Fernandez-Cavada died on August 6, 2018 in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Fernando, aside from being a distant relative of ours, documented many details of the Ten Years War. His documents were donatd to the library at the University of Miami and can be viewed by means of the following link: Fernandez Cavada Collection.
We have completly updated our military data bases to eliminate the dependence on a Java applet which had become incompatible with some web browsers. The new data bases are "real" MySQL data bases similar to our passenger data base.
The updated data bases are:
We hope you find them useful and easier to use. It did take a considerable amount of time & effort to make the updates.
Here are some links that have come to our attention that may be of interest:
- *NEW* Segunda Zafra A very interesting collection of data and photos about the Cuba of Republican times published as a blog by a group of young historians from Cuba. (link courtesy of Sandra Brown)
- Holguin, Cuba Blog of Holguin Genealogies (from Paris)
- Chinese Presence in Cuba (from Cuban National Library - in English)
- Casino Chung Wah (Chinese Community of Cuba) (the last two links courtesy of Maria Krane)
- Eastman's Online Genealogy Newletter Always interesting news from Dick Eastman, who moderated the Compuserve Genealogy forum when I started this hobby.
- Free search engine to billions of records. Now includes many records from Spain.
20 Aug 2013 - The National Archives of Cuba and 8 (of 14) Provincial Archives now have their own web sites. Most have lists of their holdings but very little, if any, of the data is digitized or available on the web (you need to get someone in Cuba to visit the Archive in person). Here are some of the relevant links:
This important resource was brought to our attention by Jorge A. Iznaga. Thanks Jorge! (click on the above headline for access).

You can now easily follow what's happening at CubaGenWeb on Twitter - just follow user cubagenweb or click to reach our Twitter Blog.

Our project to transcribe
the 69,770 names of
the veterans of the Cuban War of
Independence (1895-1898) was completed in 2003.
This project, honoring the memory of those who
fought to liberate Cuba from the colonial yoke of
Spain, was made possible by the effort of 34
volunteers, working for nearly 3 years and provides
a unique resource for those researching their Cuban
Genealogy (please note that this database canot be searched using the Google search engine).
We have also completed the transcriptions of the
death notices of the soldiers that died during
that war. These transcriptions provide a unique
insight into the personal story of many who
fought and died in the war.
The original Roloff book has now been digitaized by the University of Florida Digital Collections and is available here.
The Department of Culture of the Basque Government of Spain has established a Document Center of Euskadi (the Basque nation) called IRARGI which is dedicated to the creation of a historic archive of Euskadi.
The principal components of their digitized archives are:
- BADATOR - an index to the various archives and documents. This includes nearly 40,000 entries representing 5 million information folios compiled from Municipal Archives, private family archives and Catholic Church archives.
- Sacramental Archives of the Historic Diocesan Archives of Bilbao, San Sebastian & Vitoria (containing an index - still in process- to over 5 million baptism, marriage and death documents)
- Index to the 49 volumes of documents compiled by the great genealogist D. Luis de Salazar & Castro (1658-1734)
Click on the headline above to reach this resource.
We have generated a list of links to digitized books of interest to Cuban Genealogy. These books are available on-line for free download. Please continue letting us know of any others that you discover so we can all mutually benefit from these resources.
With permission of the publisher, a Cumulative Index and all 57 issues of the Revista of the Cuban Genealogical Society of Salt Lake City have been digitized and are available here for download. Click on the above headline to reach this resource.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has made available a new version of their Internet search service, Family Search. In this new version, still in the pilot stage, you can not only do the same searches as in the traditional version but, in addition, you can see an image of the original document by clicking on the small image that appears at the upper right. Eventually this service will completely replace the need for consulting microfilms.
Many documents from various
Spain Archives have been (and are still being) digitized and placed on the
web. The web site interface has recently been updated and is now much easier to use and you no longer have to register. You can search all the archives by
any desired text (including personal names), and
limit your search to a certain date range. You will then get a listing of all the archives having documents that match your seach criteria.
Clicking on the name of an archive will bring up a list of the relevant documents in that archive, Many of these documents will show a small camera icon. Clicking on a camera icon will bring up small images of all the pages of the original
document. You can then click on each page, zoom to read it, print it and/or save it to your computer for further study. Visit:
HISPAGEN, the Hispanic Genealogical Society in Madrid, is the principal genealogical association in Spain. Their web site features numerous data bases, publicaionts amd a special area for members only.
The following are items of special interest to Cuban Genealogy which are available for download in PDF format:
The following old Cuban Telephone Directories have been digitized and are available on-line:
Current telephone listings for Cuba are available via the following links:
is visited each day by more than 2,400 people
from more than 50 countries, including the United States, Mexico, Spain, Argentina, Peru, Cuba, Colombia, Chile, the Dominican Republic and Canada. Find out these and other facts, such as
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You can visit our archive
pages and review previous news headlines by clicking
on the above link.
We are proud that our work has been recognized with the following awards:
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The information published herein is believed accurate,
but is not guaranteed. Comments and corrections are
welcome. The opinions expressed here are based on
personal experience and are subject to change as I get
older and perhaps wiser.
Purchasing goods and services through our advertiser
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We are NOT a genealogy investigative service - we merely supply information and advice to facilitate doing your own genealogical research.
We regret that we cannot answer queries about specific surnames.
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