Index of Categories:
Where To Consult These References
Many of the older references are out of print. You
can consult these references as follows:
In the United States, you may be able to get the book on inter-library
loan. Write down the exact title and author and any reference numbers
given (ISBN, NUC, LOC, etc.). Then visit your local library and find
out from the librarian whether you can obtain it on inter-library loan.
If you are in a major city, they may have the book in the Public
Library. In New York you can look for it at the (NY
Public Library) and in Washington, DC at the (Library
of Congress). Search the on-line catalogs using these links. If
the books are old and rare you will probably only be able to consult
the reference at the library in a designated area. (You cannot remove
books from the US Library of Congress).
If you are near a major university, they may have the book in their
library. If you are in Miami, consult the Masnata
Collection at the University of Miami.
There may be a microfilm copy of the book available for consultation
through your local Family History Center ("FHC") of the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-Day Saints ("LDS Church"). You can search the catalog
of the LDS Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah via the on-line Family Search service. You
can find the associated microfilm or microfiche reference number in
this catalog and request it at any local FHC. You can find the location
of the nearest FHC also via the same on-line service. Of course, if
you are near Salt Lake City, you can visit the Family History Library
in person.
For a description of how to request and view LDS microfilms at a Family History Center see our article on LDS Church Resources.
Purchasing Books-in-Print
English Language Books
English language books (and some Spanish language books) can be easily
bought through the web from sources such as (by the
way, the father of Jeff Bezos, founder and Chairman of is a Cuban-American).
For your convenience we have placed direct
links after each book on our list that can be purchased through
The link will take you directly to the order department
and will provide you the current price and availability.
The links are identified with the following
If you want to see listings of available books and
other merchandise for sale related to Cuba, please visit our Shopping
Guide .
You also can search for available books, using keywords, using the following
search engine:
Spanish Language Books
Some Spanish language books can be easily bought through the web from
sources such as For your convenience we have placed
direct links after each book on our list that we have found can be purchased
through The link will take you directly to the order department and will provide you the current price and availability.
In the United States, you can usually find many of the listed
Spanish language books at the following book stores in Miami:
In Spain, you can inquire at the following specialty bookstores:
Marcial Pons
Libreria Humanidades - Ciencias Sociales
Plaza Conde Valle del Suchil
28015 Madrid
+34-1-448-47-97 phone
+34-1-593-13-29 fax
Marcial Pons Llibreter
Provenza, 249 251
08008 - Barcelona
+34-3-487-39-99 phone
+34-3-488-19-40 fax
Casa del Libro
Gran Via, 29
28013 Madrid
+34-1-521-21-13 phone
+34-1-522-77-58 fax
(look for "Genealogía y Heráldica" under the "Ciencias
Humanas" category on their web site)
To find additional specialty bookstores in Spain who sell through
the Internet, check the following listing:
Purchasing Out-of-Print Books
If you are a collector, and are willing to pay collector prices, you
can sometimes find some old and rare Cuban books at the following places
on the web:
Nostalgia Cubana, Inc.
P.O. Box 941193
Miami, FL 33194-1193
+1-305-225-0286 phone
+1-305-225-0286 fax
One of CubaGenWeb's Affiliate partners. We have bought several books and other merchandise from them. Use the following search box to see what they have available (type the author's name, title or "rare books" in the box):
Jose J. Rabasa
Old Cuban Books
PO Box 330286
Miami, FL 33233
+1-305-446-8012 phone
+1-786-487-0636 mobile
Recommended by some members of the Cuban Genealogy Club of Miami. Sometimes sells through e-bay. usually has booth at the annual Cuban Nostalgia Event in Miami.
The world's largest on-line auction site. Often sells out of print
and rare books on practically any topic including Cuba. (We
have bought important books here)
Advanced Book Exchange, Inc.
(no address or phone given)
Advertises as the largest network of independent booksellers, with
over 25 million books for sale from thousands of dealers. You can
search by author, title or keyword and then purchase directly from
the book seller (I have found some rare Cuban books here at very
reasonable prices from booksellers as far away as France. Searching
for the key word "Cuba" recently yielded over 11,000 books). (We
have bought important books here)
Victor Cuellar
Calle Ramon Corripio No. 32
Residencial Maria Carola IV
Edificio 2, Apartamento 202
Naco, Santo Domingo
Dominican Republic
+809-683-0130 home phone
+809-852-3111 mobile
This gentleman has a business exporting books, photos and other
memorabilia from Cuba. He periodically sends by e-mail a list of
what is available. We recommend that you send him an e-mail asking
to be placed on his e-mail mailing list. (We
have bought important books and memorabilia here, but have not heard
from him in a long time).
(marketed through Abe Books)
Sánchez 109 (planta baja)
Zona Colonial
Santo Domingo
Dominican Republic
+809 685 8659 phone
+1-305 468
6289 fax
Another source of out of print books from Cuba. The principal, Elliot
Klein, also operated from Europe as Wildman Press before moving to the Dominican Republic. (We have bought several important books here though Abe Books).
WARNING - Mar 2005 - Some readers have complained of ordering but not receiving their orders from this source. Your credit card is charged immediately when you place your order but usually you have to wait several months to receive your order even though delivery is promised in a few weeks. Selecting express shipment costs considerably more but does not seem to make any difference. I personally have been waiting over 3 months for my last order. AT THIS TIME WE CAN NO LONGER RECOMMEND THIS SOURCE.
The following sources are included here for completeness (We have not
used any of them and would appreciate your feedback
on any dealings with them).
Libros Latinos
P.O. Box 1103
Redlands, CA 92373
+1-909-793-8423 phone
+1-909-798-1342 phone
+1-909-335-9945 fax
Network of more than 60 bookstores in Argentina, Spain and other countries
of Hispanic America specializing in used books, old out-of-print
books and books no longer catalogued.