[S] Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias - Siglos XVI, XVII y XVIII, Volumen IV 1560-1566, Luis Romera Iruela y Maria del Carmen Galbis Diez, 19??, Ministerio de Cultura, Direccion de Bellas Artes, Archivos y Bibliotecas (ISBN: 84-7483-185-7). [S] Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias - Siglos XVI, XVII y XVIII, Volumen V 1567-1577 (2 tomos), Luis Romera Iruela y Maria del Carmen Galbis Diez, 1980, Ministerio de Cultura, Direccion de Bellas Artes, Archivos y Bibliotecas (ISBN: 84-7483-185-7). [S] Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias - Siglos XVI, XVII y XVIII, Volumen VI 1578-1585, Maria del Carmen Galbis Diez, 1986, Ministerio de Cultura, Direccion de Bellas Artes, y Archivos (ISBN: 84-505-4357-6). [S] Catalogo de Pasajeros a Indias - Siglos XVI, XVII y XVIII, Volumen VII 1586-1599, Maria del Carmen Galbis Diez, 1986, Ministerio de Cultura, Direccion de Bellas Artes y Archivos (ISBN: 84-505-4357-6).
Legajo | Libros | years | film # | ||
(bundle) | (books) | (copy 1) | (copy 2) | ||
5536 | 1-4 | 1509-1542 | 1223690 | 1224030 | |
5536 | 5-end | 1536-1542 | 1223691 | 1224031 | |
5537 | 1-2 | 1553-1562 | 1223692 | 1224032 | |
5537 | 3-end | 1553-1571 | 1223693 | 1224033 | |
5538 | 1-2 | 1576-1620 | 1223694 | 1224034 | |
5538 | 3-end | 1590-1591 | 1223695 | 1224035 | |
5539 | 1-2 | 1607-1625 | 1223696 | 1224036 | |
5539 | 3,5 | 1621-1675 | 1223697 | 1224037 | |
5540(A) | 1-2 | 1661-1681 | 1223698 | 1224038 | |
5540(A) | 3-4 | 1680-1695 | 1223699 | 1224039 | |
5540(B) | all | 1691-1701 | 1223700 | 1224040 |
Records for dates after 1701 are virtually non-existent. The Spanish Government did not keep track of the emigration, instead it left it to the ship captains. Some ports, like in the Canary Islands, have some records in their archives, but this is very rare.
Thanks to Andres M. for posting this information to the CUBA list.
The Archive of Old Catalan Magazines (Arxiu de Revistes Catalanes Antigues) has posted copies of the "Bulletin of the Transatlantic Company of Barcelona" on the web.
The issues can be searched by date and cover the years 1892-1898. The issues list not only passengers, but ship officers, cargo merchandise and other information. In the menu at the top you can select the English Language for access. Here is the link to the issues:
Thanks to Lourdes del Pino for forwarding this information.
According to recent (2006) information, the Cuban National Archives has passenger lists for arrivals, but only for those who arrived in the ports of La Habana, Camaguey and Santiago de Cuba. They are in very old books which have to be searched manually. A request made by a visitor to Cuba for a search of one individual in records comprising 3 years took 4 months to get a negative reply. We do not have any further details.
The Immigration Department in Cuba, part of the Ministerio del Interior, has a service "solicitud de registro de extrajeria" which provides information on foreign persons who registered in Inmigration when their entered the country and whether they became Cuban citizens or not. We do not have any further details.
Some arriving passenger lists were published in Cuban newspapers of the time. Through the efforts of several volunteers, some of the port records and newspaper accounts have been transcribed and added to our Passengers Data Base described at the top of this page.
If your ancestor traveled to or from Cuba via New York in the years 1892-1924 be sure to check the Ellis Island Records described below. These records include people who were in transit to their final destination.
The Municipal Archivist of the City of Gijón (Asturias - Spain) has notified us that the entire copy of document 19/1858, which contains list of passengers who sailed from the port of Gijón with destination to Habana and Puerto Rico between 1858 and 1871, is now available in section exp19-1858 of the Municipal Archive (Archivo Municipal). You can consult this document by using the following link:
Many thanks to the Gijón Municipal Archivist.
Database from the University of Wisconsin listing Cuban port of arrival, date of arrival, type of ship, nationality of ship, number of slaves landed, African sailing date, slave mortality, number of slaves by sex, name and captain of ship
Search for the following reference codes or for the words "colonización asiática en cuba":
(there may be others)
Thanks to the work of numerous volunteers, the Ellis Island immigration records have been scanned and transcribed to a searchable data base. You can reach these records at www.ellisisland.org
The records encompass all 22 million passengers (tourists, inmigrants, returning US Citizens, passengers in transit and crew members) on ships arriving at the Port of New York in the years 1892-1924. The data base includes not only passengers whose final destination was the United States, but also people who entered New York in transit to or from other places like Cuba or Europe.
You can search for passengers by first & last name, last name only, or even by the first letter of the last name. You can specify exact spelling or similar spellings. Once you get your first search results, you can narrow the search by gender, date range, ethnicity, etc. You can then view the ship's manifest to see who accompanied the person you found, as well as other information such as the age and ethnicity of the individual. Then you can view (and magnify) the original manifest, which has interesting information as the individual's calling or occupation, whether they could read or write and what language, the individual's nationality, the name and address of the nearest relative in the country of origin, the name of the person who paid for the ticket, the final destination and the name and address of any relative or friend they were intending to meet. The manifest also includes physical characteristics such as height, weight and color of hair and eyes and even how much money they carried if less than $50. You can save this manifest image on your computer by giving it a unique name and then study it and print it at your leisure (a photo printer using photo paper works best).
You must register to view the actual manifests and there will eventually be a $45/year membership fee to join the non-profit American Family Immigration History Center, but at present the searches are free of charge. Keep in mind that this new resource is quite busy so you might experience long delays in searching and displaying the data.
The Immigrant Ship Transcribers Guild, a volunteer effort, has transcribed many ships traveling from Cuba to the US. You can search by specific ships and dates, by the departure port in Cuba or by the arrival port in the US. Ship lists are added continually, so be sure to check back often.
If any of you ancestors emigrated to the United States from Cuba, you can consult the passenger lists at the US National Archives in Washington, DC. Due to the large number of records, you must know the port of entry into the US and the approximate date. Many of these lists have been microfilmed by the National Archives and the films are available for purchase. Many of these films are also available for review at the LDS Family History Centers. Some of these films are listed below.
The following detailed list of LDS microfilms of INS passenger lists of vessels arriving at Key West has been provided by one of our CUBA-L readers, Victor.
********************** AUTHOR United States. Immigration and Naturalization Service. TITLE Passenger lists of vessels arriving at Key West, 1898-1920. PUBLICATION INFORMATION [Washington, D.C.] : Immigration and Naturalization Service, 1946. FORMAT 42 microfilm reels ; 35 mm. SERIES INFORMATION (National Archives microfilm publications ; T940) NOTES Microreproduction of original records at the National Archives. CONTENTS Includes index. v. 1-3 Nov 2, 1898 - Dec 20, 1902 --------- 1375956 v. 4 Jan 1 - Dec 31, 1903 --------------- 1375957 v. 5 Jan 2 - July 18, 1904 -------------- 1375958 v. 6-7 July 19, 1904 - Mar 30, 1905 ------- 1375959 v. 8-9 Apr. 1, 1905 - Dec. 30, 1905 ------- 1375960 v. 10 Jan 1 - May 26, 1906 --------------- 1375961 v. 11-12 May 28, 1906 - Dec. 31, 1906 ------- 1375962 v. 13-14 Jan. 25, 1907 - June 29, 1907 ------ 1375963 v. 15 July 1 - Dec 31, 1907 -------------- 1375964 v. 16 Jan 1 - June 30, 1908 -------------- 1375965 v. 17 July 1 - Dec 31, 1908 -------------- 1375966 v. 18 Jan 2 - Apr 30, 1909 --------------- 1375967 v. 19 May 1 - Aug 31, 1909 --------------- 1375968 v. 20 Sep 4 - Dec 30, 1909 --------------- 1375969 v. 21 Jan 1 - Apr 30, 1910 --------------- 1375970 v. 22 May 3 - July 30, 1910 -------------- 1375971 v. 23 Aug. 2, 1910 - Nov. 14, 1910 ------- 1375972 v. 24 Nov 15, 1910 - Feb 28, 1911 -------- 1375973 v. 25 Mar 2 - May 30, 1911 --------------- 1375974 v. 26 June 1 - Aug 31, 1911 -------------- 1375975 v. 27 Sep 2 - Dec 30, 1911 --------------- 1375976 v. 28 Jan 2 - Feb 29, 1912 --------------- 1375977 v. 29 Mar 1 - Apr 30, 1912 --------------- 1375978 v. 30 May 1, 1912 - June 29, 1912 -------- 1375979 v. 31 July 1 - Sep 30, 1912 -------------- 1375980 v. 32-33 Oct 1, 1912 - Jan 31, 1913 --------- 1375981 v. 34 Feb 1 - Mar 31, 1913 --------------- 1375982 v. 35 Apr 1 - May 31, 1913 --------------- 1375983 v. 36 June 2 - Aug 30, 1913 -------------- 1375984 v. 37-38 Sep 1, 1913 - Mar 14, 1914 --------- 1375985 v. 39-40 Mar 16 - Sep 14, 1914 -------------- 1375986 v. 41-42 Sept 15, 1914 - Apr 30, 1915 ------- 1375987 v. 43-44 May 1, 1915 - Feb 29, 1916 --------- 1375988 v. 45-46 Mar. 1, 1916 - Aug. 27, 1916 ------- 1414784 v. 47-48 Aug. 28, 1916 - Feb. 17, 1917 ------ 1414785 v. 49-50 Feb. 18, 1917 - July 15, 1917 ------ 1414786 v. 51-52 July 16, 1917 - Dec. 31, 1917 ------ 1414787 v. 53-54 Jan. 1, 1918 - July 31, 1918 ------- 1414788 v. 55 Aug. 2, 1918 - Nov. 21, 1918 ------- 1414789 v. 56-57 Nov. 22, 1918 - June 6, 1919 ------- 1414790 v. 58-59 June 7, 1919 - Oct. 8, 1919 -------- 1414791 v. 60-61 Oct. 8, 1919 - Apr. 5, 1920 -------- 1414792 v. 62 6 Apr. 1920 - May 31, 1920 --------- 1578303 v. 63 1 June 1920 - 14 July 1920 --------- 1578304 v. 64 15 July 1920 - 6 Sept. 1920 -------- 1578305 v. 65 6 Sep. 1920 - 16 Nov. 1920 --------- 1578306 v. 66 17 Nov. 1920 - 3 Feb. 1921 --------- 1578307
The following microfilem rolls are indexes to the microfilm rolls containing the lists of passengers that arrived on ships to the above US states from 1890-1924. The list is reproduced from the US National Archives:
Roll Contents
1 Aabott--Anderson 2 Andersson--Basora 3 Basque--Brito 4 Bro--Carrascale 5 Carrasco--Collymore 6 Colma--Delayto 7 Delfin--Escay 8 Escenazi--Fernandez, Roq 9 Fernandez, Ros--Garcia, Jose 10 Garcia, Jose Maria--Gonzalez, Lor 11 Gonzalez, Lou--Hernandez, F. 12 Hernandez, G.--Johnson, S. 13 Johnson--L'Heme 14 Li--Marban 15 March--Menike 16 Mena--Moss 17 Moss--Padron, H. 18 Padron, I.--Piedno 19 Peidra--Rayneri, El 20 Rayneri, Eu--Rodriquez, Ramon 21 Rodriguez, Ramon--Snachez, M. 22 Snachez--Soldevilla 23 Sole--Thompson, R. 24 Thompson, S.--Vega, J. 25 Vega, L.--Young, R. 26 Young, S.--Zygand
The S.S. Morro Castle, a Ward Line Cruise ship that made weekly trips between New York and Habana, caught fire on September 8, 1934, as it approached New York, just eight miles off the New Jersey Shore at Asbury Park. More than 140 passengers and crew of the 558 listed perished in this disaster, which touched many families in Cuba. We have been unable to find a full passenger list for the ship, but here is a link to the most comprehensive and detailed list of the victims that we have found:
Here are other lists of victim's names, without personal details:
Did you know that there was a Cuban on the Titanic? We are everywhere!
His name was Servando Jose Florentino Ovies y Rodriguez. He was 36 years of age, born in Aviles Spain, and a resident of Habana, Cuba, with his wife Eva Lopez de Vallardo and son Ramon Servando.
Apparently Servando was visiting France (probably on a business matter related to the family owned import business - Rodriguez & Co.) and decided to return to Habana via New York on the inaugural trip of the Titanic. The ship started its trip from Southampton on 10 Apr 1912 and made a stop at the french port of Cherbourg, where it picked up several passengers, among them Servando. The ticket number of the unfortunate Servando was PC 17562, and his cabin was D-43 in the First Class Section, where the more affluent passengers lodged.
His dead body was rescued from the sea on 15 April 1912 by the calble ship MacKay Bennett, and was tagged as victim number 189 of that tragic accident. The body was initially buried at Fairview Cemetery in Halifax, Nova Scotia but was exhumed and reburied in the Catholic Mount Olivet Cemetery on 15 May 1912.
A century has passed since the sinking of the Titanic, but it's never too late to wish the cuban Servando Jose Florentino Ovies Rodriguez that he Rest in Peace.
Thanks to Rachel Duggan and Billy Schuss for the above information.
Reference: http://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/titanic-victim/servando-jose-florentino-ovies-y-rodriguez.html
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