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to Other Web Sites Useful to Cuban Genealogy
Surname Lookup
Cuban Family Trees
Cuban Genealogy Resources
Hispanic American Genealogy Resources
- Consulta de Inmigrantes (Immigrant Consultation). Database of immigrants who arrived at the port of Buenos Aires between 1880 and 1960. Search by first and last names, or only by surname. Currently contains more than 4 million records. Free and open access.
Republica Dominicana
Puerto Rico
Spain Genealogy Resources
* link courtesy of Mariela Fernandez.
General Genealogy
Hispanic Genealogy Discussion Lists
Genealogy Data Archives
- Legacy.com (free newspaper obituaries from the USA, Europe & Australia)
Rootsweb Genealogical Data Cooperative
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (a.k.a. "LDS Church", "Mormon
Genealogy Software
- Personal Ancestral File (version 4 works in English, Spanish, Portuguese, German and French)
- Legacy
Family Tree (can print many, but not all, reports in Spanish)
- General Family Documentation
System - GDS (from Spain - works in Spanish, Catalan and English)
- Cumberland Family Tree (has
optional Spanish language reports and/or command menus)
- Fzip Family
Tree ( from Australia - available in English, Polish, German,
French, Italian, Spanish, Slovak, Czech, Dutch, Portuguese and Icelandic.
Help menus are only in English.)
- GenDesigner (available
in 16 languages: Czech, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German,
Hebrew, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish,
Swedish, Turkish, and Ukrainian.)
- Reunion (for Mac only
- works in English only)
- The Master Genealogist (for advanced users - works in English, French, German, Norwegian,
Dutch, Afrikaans, Danish and Italian, but unfortunately not in Spanish.) PROGRAM HAS UNFOTUNATELY BEEN DISCONTINUED BY THE AUTHOR
- RootsMagic (successor
to the popular Family Origins program
- works in English only)
- GRAMPS (for Linux only - works in English only)
Books on Cuban and Hispanic-American Genealogy
Cuban and Hispanic Genealogy Societies
Note that the Cuban Genealogical Society of Salt Lake City has closed their doors.
Commercial Hispanic-American Genealogy Services
The commercial resources listed here are provided for information
only and are not necessarily recommended or endorsed by the author.
Heraldry & Coats of Arms
Non-commerical services
Commercial services
The commercial resources listed here are provided for information
only and are not necessarily recommended or endorsed by the author.
Genealogy Blogs
Identifying Old Photos
Cuban History & Miscellaneous
- Cuban Addresses and Telephones of Genealogical Interest (on this web site)
- Cuban Provinces (on this web
- Timetable History of Cuba (compiled by J.A. Sierra - a whole web site dedicated to Cuban History!)
- Guije.com (Cuban facts, history and culture - in Spanish, well done!)
- Cuban National Heritage (Asociacion Herencia Cultural Cubana - new web site under construction)
- Constitutions
of the Republic of Cuba
- Cuba Reference Desk (University of Texas)
- Cuba History Archives (MS State University)
- CIA Factbook (Cuba facts, images of flag and map)
- List
of Publications About Cuba for Sale to Public (CIA)
- Jose Martí Home Page
- Ernesto
Lecuona Home Page (Cuban composer)
- Hispanic
People and Events on United States Postage Stamps US Postal Service
Publication 295 - English (downloadable .PDF file)
- The Spanish American
War (a.k.a. Cuban War of Independence (US Library of Congress)
- The Spanish-American War
Centenial Web Site (Has lists of US Soldiers and units that participated
- nothing on Cuban soldiers or units)
- Slave
Trade to Havana, Cuba 1790-1820 (database listing Cuban port of
arrival, date of arrival, type of ship, nationality of ship, number
of slaves landed, African sailing date, slave mortality, number of slaves
by sex, name and captain of ship)
- Spanish-American
War Motion Pictures (On-line viewable early motion pictures from
the Spanish-American War - from the US Library of Congress)
- Latin American
Studies Project at Indiana University - Cuba Section (in-depth collection of information on all sorts of Cuban topics)
- Encyclopedia of the Nations - Cuba (facts about present day Cuba)
- The Hispanic Role in America - a Chronology (compiled by Juan M. Perez, Hispanic Division, US Library of Congress)
- The Tainos (by Prof. Tony de la Cova)
- The Tramways of Cuba (by Allen Morrison)
Resources on Cuban Culture and History
Spanish Florida History
Cities & Towns
Cuban Maps
General Maps
* link courtesy of Mariela Fernandez
Cuban Religions
Cuban Nostalgia
Cuban Schools
Cuba Photos
Cuba Videos
Cuba Audio
- Child of the Revolution (on ABC Radio National) - first person account of growing up in and finally leaving Castro's Cuba read by the author, Luis M. Garcia (in English with a delightful Australian-Cuban accent). Originally broadcast in 2009 by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation Radio National on their program "First Person" in 10 episodes.
Buy the book at Amazon: Child of the Revolution: Growing up in Castro's Cuba
Contemporary Cuban Pages
NOTE: CubaGenWeb is not
reponsible for the content of any of these web sites. The statements
and opinions expressed in these pages are not necessarily those
of CubaGenWeb. |
From USA:
From Cuba:
- CubaWeb (the national web site
of the Republic of Cuba)
- Generacion Y (contemporary illustrated blog relating her experiences and observations on daily living in Cuba written by a young mother - Yoani Sanchez)
From Spain:
- MundoCubano (from Victoria-Gasteiz, Basque Country- "A different look at Cuba, because our objective is to be relevant to all cubans and all those in the world interested in learning about cuban culture. Discussion forums, chats, various directories, news and on-line store. A cuban world to discover (in Spanish)" )
- CubanaWeb (Cuba guide)
From Italy:
From Other Countries:
Hispanic-American Web Pages in the USA
Spain Pages
Spanish Language Directories and Search Engines
Miscellaneous Resources
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