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Java Script?


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Enabling Java in your Browser



Java is a computer language, developed by Sun Microsystems, to allow running small programs in your computer, independent of your hardware or operating system, in a controlled and limited relatively "safe" environment. Java applets can be incorporated in web pages to include animation, graphics, games and other special effects. If you see a clock with an animated second hand following this sentence, you have Java activated in your browser.

JavaScript, developed jointly by Netscape and Sun Microsystems, is a completely separate language from Java and its intended to provide your web broser with increased functionality. If you see the current date displayed following this sentence, you have JavaScript activated on your browser.


Why do you need to activate Java?

The search forms for our data bases (Mambi, Ten Years War, Passenger Lists, Newspaper Lists, etc) function by means of a commercial Java subroutine application or "applet". A Java applet is also used on our home page to show the scrolling welcome message at the top of the page.

To view these data bases requires that the Java language be enabled in your browser.

Some people have this feature disabled in their browser, either because it was set up that way during installation or as a security measure to prevent malicious code from rogue web sites from executing in your computer. Follow the instructions below to enable Java in your browser.

Do you need to activate JavaScript?

CubaGenWeb uses small "JavaScript" routines to show the current date on the home page and to hide our e-mail address from "spam robots". These routines are not essential unless you are trying to send us an e-mail message. With JavaScript deactivated, you will not see our e-mail address.


How to Activate Java

Internet Explorer (Version 6 or later)

First check that you have the latest version of the Java plug-in installed in your browser:

  1. Visit: and click on the button "Verify Installation"
  2. If you do not have the latest version, visit and click on the button "Download Now" This will download and install the latest version of the Java plug-in in your browser.

Interent Explorer allows you to enable Java either for all web sites or only for a selected number of "trusted sites". To activate Java only while visiting CubaGenWeb and other trusted sites follow the following steps:

  1. Go to the drop down menu for "Tools" and select "Internet Options"
  2. Click on the "Security" tab
  3. click on the green checkmark labeled "Trusted Sites"
  4. click on the "Sites" button
  5. on the box "add this web site to the zone" type "" (without the quotes)
  6. click the "add" button
  7. click "OK"
  8. Adjust the slider labeled "security level for this zone" to any setting except "High" (the default level is "Low")
  9. click the "Apply" button
  10. click "OK"



First check that you have the latest version of the Java plug-in installed in your browser:

  1. Visit: and click on the button "Verify Installation"
  2. If you do not have the latest version, visit and click on the button "Download Now" This will download and install the latest version of the Java plug-in in your browser.

To enable the Java language in the Firefox browser follow the following steps:

  1. Under the "Tools" menu select "Options"
  2. Click on "Web Features"
  3. Check the boxes labeled "Enable Java" and "Enable Javascript"

In Firefox you cannot enable Java only for selected sites, but you can limit the types of actions that Java is allowed to perform by clicking on the "Advanced" button to the right of the above boxes..


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Enabling Java - Updated 03-Jul-2007

Copyright © 2007-2009 - Ed Elizondo
All Rights Reserved - Todos los Derechos Reservados


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