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Research Guides



The following Research Guides can greatly aid you in doing your Cuban genealogical investigations


  • [EN] Finding Your Hispanic Roots, George R. Ryskamp, (ISBN:0-8063-1517-2, LOC: 96-77405), 1997, Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. 1001 N. Calvert St., Baltimore, MD 21202.

    book cover Finding your Hispanic by George Ryskamp

    Updated and shortened version of Tracing your Hispanic Heritage, successfully captures the essence of the older book. Highly recommended as a comprehensive reference and guide to resources available to contemporary researchers, both beginners and experienced, in latin american genealogy.

  • [EN] Tracing your Hispanic Heritage, George R. Ryskamp, (ISBN:0-9613556-00-0), 1984, Hispanic Family History Research, 4275 Edgewood, Riverside, CA. (out of print)

    This voluminous book provides a general reference on the various archives available in Spain and details how and where to write for information, including model letters. The book has a section on old Spanish handwriting which was very helpful in deciphering handwritten names in micofilmed old documents. The book also lists many published references with their library call numbers. The book is currently out of print and has been replaced by Finding Your Hispanic Roots (see the previous entry) by the same author.

  • [EN] Research Guide for Cuba, Mayra F. Sanchez Johnson, 1995, Published by the Cuban Genealogical Society, PO Box 2650, Salt Lake City, UT 84110.

  • [EN] Locality Guide for Cuba, Mayra F. Sanchez Johnson, 1992, Published by the Cuban Genealogical Society, PO Box 2650, Salt Lake City, UT 84110.

  • [EN] Cuba Research Guide - Vol. 17 (English) , Lyman D. Platt, Published by the Institute of Genealogy and History for Latin America, 316 W 500 N Street, George, UT 84770. (see below for Spanish version)

  • [ES] Cuba - Guia de Investigaciónes Genealógicas - Vol. 17 (Spanish), Lyman D. Platt, Published by the Institute of Genealogy and History for Latin America, 316 W 500 N Street, George, UT 84770 (see above for English version).

  • [EN] Guide to Cuban Genealogical Research - Records and Sources, Peter E. Carr, 1991, Adams Press, Chicago, IL (ISBN: 0-9631209-0-5), Published by TCI Genealogical Resources, PO Box 15839, San Luis Obispo, CA 93406. Guide to Cuban Genealogical Research

  • [EN] Cuban Census, Records of the 16th, 17th and 18th Centuries :: Censos, Padrones y Matriculas de la Poblacion de Cuba - Siglos 16, 17 y18, Peter E. Carr, 123 pages, Revised Edition, December 31 2004, Published by Clearfield Co. ISBN: 0806352485. Censos, Padrones y Matriculas de la...

    Contains numerous lists of names residents of towns, owners of farms, recipients of land grants (mercedes), voters in local council (cabildo) elections, donors of goods and services for a public cause such as reinforcing a town against pirates, etc. Includes a list of the founding families of Santa Clara (1689) and Matanzas (1693) and all residents of Holguin (1735), a list of displaced families from Florida resulting from the interchange with the British of Florida for La Habana (1763). This publication covers ONLY the early colonial years 1520-1797.

  • [ES] The Archives of Cuba / Los Archivos de Cuba, Luis A. Perez, Jr. & Rebecca J. Scott, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2003, (ISBN 0-8229-4195-3). A comprehensive guide to the national, provincial, municipal, local and eclesiastical archives of Cuba. Each entry provides the address of the archive and a brief listing of their holdings. The Archives of Cuba / Los Archivos de Cuba

  • [EN] Spain Research Guide - Vol. 38 (English) , Lyman D. Platt, Published by the Institute of Genealogy and History for Latin America, 316 W 500 N Street, George, UT 84770 (see below for Spanish version).

  • [ES] España - Guia de Investigaciones Genealógicas - Vol. 38 (Spanish), Lyman D. Platt, Published by the Institute of Genealogy and History for Latin America, 316 W 500 N Street, George, UT 84770 (see above for English version).

  • [ES] Guia del Investigador - Archivo General de Simancas, Angel de la Plaza Bores, Tercera Edición, 1986, Ministerio de Cultura, Dirección General de Bellas Artes, Plaza del Rey 1, 28071 Madrid (ISBN: 84-7483-167-9).

  • [EN] Research Outline for Latin American Genealogy , Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

    This useful research guide has been posted to the file area of various genealogy on-line providers (e.g. CompuServe ROOTS Forum, AOL Genealogy Group). It is also available in printed form directly from the LDS Church. The LDS Church has plans to publish all their research guides on their planned Web site so they do not currently permit posting of this information by other Web sites.

  • [ES] Con Nombre y Apellidos, Jose Luis Sampedro, Ediciones Martinez Roca, S.A., Barcelona, 1999 [ISBN: 84-270-2439-8, Dep. Legal: B. 7.237-1999. Available from Ediciones Universal (US $25 paperback - 271 pages)

    Subtitled a "Treatise on Practical Genealogy", this illustrated book discusses general and special topics related to genealogical research in Spain. Includes a chapter on common errors, Nobility and Heraldry.

  • [ES] Memorandum de la Genealogia Familiar , Vicente de Cárdenas y Vicent, (ISBN: 84-00-04192-5), 1975, Hidalguia, Madrid.

    A brief introduction to the science of genealogy, written by one of the notable Spanish genealogists of this century.

  • [EN] How to Save Your Family History, Lucy Arnaz; 1998 CD-ROM published by Education through Entertainment, Inc. P.O. Box 636, Cross River, NY 10536; phone 914-232-1515, fax: 914-232-1526; estimated street price: $39.95.

    A multimedia CD-ROM where Lucy Arnaz pleasantly describes the basic steps in compliling your family history. Recommended for beginners.

  • [EN] Netting Your Ancestors - Genealogical Research on the Internet, 1997, Cyndi Howells, Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. 1001 N. Calvert St., Baltimore, MD 21202 (ISBN: 0-8063-1546-6). Netting Your Ancestors: Genealogical...

    An easy to read introduction to the use of the Internet for genealogical research.

  • [ES] Diccionario de Apellidos Españoles, Roberto Faure, Maria Asuncion Ribes and Antonio Garcia, Editorial Espasa Calpe, Carretera de Irun, km 12.200, 28049 Madrid.,2001 [ISBN 84-239-2289-8]

    Contains more than 6,000 entries which explain the origin and meaning of approximately 8,000 Spanish surnames.

  • [EN] A Paleographic Guide to Spanish Abbreviations 1500-1700 by A. Roberta Carlin, Universal Publishers, USA, 2003 [ISBN 1-58112-571-2]

    book cover A Paleographic Guide to Spanish Abbreviations 1500-1700

    An important reference on handwritten abbreviations for anyone doing research on old Spanish records.


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Research Guides - Updated 08-Mar-2011

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