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de Términos Genealógicos
La sigiente lista contine términos y abreviaturas comunes que
usted puede encontrar mientras hace investigaciones genealógicas.
- abuela
- grandmother
- abuelo
- grandfather
- adulterio
- adultery
- afinidad
- relation by marriage
- the inlaws
- agregacion
- attachment to document
- appointment to a position
- assignment
- ahijada
- goddaugter
- ahijado
- godson
- apellido
- surname
- last name
- bautizada
- baptized (female)
- bautizado
- baptized (male)
- bautizo
- baptism
- bisabuela
- great-grandmother
- bisabuelo
- great-grandfather
- bisnieta, biznieta
- great-granddaughter
- bisnieto, biznieto
- great-grandson
- camposanto
- cemetery
- casada
- married (female)
- casado
- married (male)
- chozna
- great-great-great granddaughter
- chozno
- great-great-great grandson
- chotezno
- great-great-great-grandfather
- consanguinidad
- blood relation
- cuñada
- sister-in-law
- cuñado
- son-in-law
- D.
- (see don)
- Da.
- (see doña)
- de
- from
- belonging to (i.e. Mrs.)
- don
- Sir (if capitalized)
- Mr.
- doña
- Lady (if capitalized)
- Mrs.
- entenada
- stepdaughter
- entenado
- stepson
- esposa
- wife
- esposo
- husband
- Excmo.
- Excelentísimo (His Excellency)
- falleció
- died
- grado de consanguinidad
- degree of blood relationship
- hermana
- sister
- hermano
- brother
- hermanastra
- stepsister
- hermanastro
- stepbrother
- hija
- daughter
- hija adoptiva
- adopted daughter
- hija legítima
- legitimate daughter
- hija natural
- illegitimate daughter
- hijastra
- stepdaughter
- hijastro
- stepson
- hijo
- son
- hijo adoptivo
- adopted son
- hijo legítimo
- Legitimate son
- hijo natural
- illegitimate son
- Ing.
- Ingeniero (Engineer)
- Lcdo.
- Licenciado (Licensed, i.e. Lawyer)
- Ldo.
- Licenciado (Licensed, i.e. Lawyer)
- legajo
- bundle (of documents)
- madrastra
- stepmother
- madre
- mother
- madre política
- mother-in-law
- madrina
- godmother
- marido
- husband
- matrimonio
- marriage
- murió
- died
- nacida
- born (female)
- nacido
- born (male)
- natural de
- born at
- nieta
- granddaughter
- nieto
- grandson
- grandchild
- nombre de pila
- given name
- first name
- novia
- bride
- fiance
- novio
- bridegroom
- fiance
- nuera
- daughter-in-law
- padrastro
- stepfather
- padre
- father
- padrino
- godfather
- second (in a duel)
- padrino de boda
- best man
- pariente
- relative
- parroquia
- parish
- Pbro.
- Presbítero (Clerigo ordenado de misa)
- Presbyter (Priest ordained to perform mass)
- prima
- cousin (female)
- prima hermana
- first cousin (female)
- prima segunda
- second cousin (female)
- primo
- cousin (male)
- primo hermano
- first cousin (male)
- primo segundo
- second cousin (male)
- residente de
- resident of
- Rdo.
- Reverendo (Reverend - i.e. Priest)
- S.A.R.
- Su Alteza Real (His/Her Royal Highness)
- santos sacramentos
- holy sacraments
- sobrina
- niece
- sobrino
- nephew
- S.M.
- Su Majestad (His/Her Majesty)
- suegra
- mother-in-law
- suegro
- father-in-law
- tatarabuela
- great-great-grandmother
- tatarabuelo
- great-great-grandfather
- tataranieta
- great-great-granddaughter
- tataranieto
- great-great-grandson
- testamento
- will
- testigo
- witness
- testó
- made a will
- tía
- aunt
- tía abuela
- great-aunt
- grand-aunt
- tío
- uncle
- tío abuelo
- great-uncle
- grand-uncle
- vecino de
- resident of
- vda. de
- widow of
- viuda
- widow
- viudo
- widower
- yerno
- son-in-law
(mas se añadirá) |
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